Hi Everyone,
Today was a good day. I worked at Starbucks (my store won't be closing). Had fate been otherwise and I got the transfer to the other Bangor store a few months back, I would not have been so lucky. They're closing.
I met and chatted with a customer today who was wearing a "friendfeed" tee-shirt. So I asked him what's that all about. He told me he got the shirt from a friend who works there. Good advertising, I went to the site and signed up tonight. Basically its a web site where a lot of my activities from various web sites across the web are gathered all together for my friends to visit one site to get a snap shot of what I'm up to. I'm going to give it a try.
Maggiebeth & Lauren have both passed through their half birthdays which mean, single layer cakes, the singing of: Hap.. Bir..... to Y.. (we sing half all the way through) get it? and no presents, but good Starbucks fare and gathered family. June 28th & 4th of July so the celebrations end with Fireworks.
For example, on the Fourth we started the day with a community pancake breakfast, followed by marching in the Bangor/Brewer 4th parade. The girls decorated their scooters with red white & blue streamers and Obama posters. We walked with the Obama Democrat's (thrilling see'ns how I consider my self a conservative Republician). Then a break for cake at SBUX. Next, off to the movie theater to see WALL-E, was good time by all accounts. A couple hours to regroup, then off to find not only a good parking space to park for the fireworks but one that would allow a fast escape once they were over. Success.
Once home sleep came easy for us all.
Other quick highlights; Took the girls outside one evening to watch the International Space Station (ISS) fly over after a couple cloudy nights. They were WOWed for +/- 15 seconds then "can we go in now?" little did I know, they were wearing flip-flops and the grass was wet and cold, but they liked it.
A few weeks back was the AAS (American Astronomical Society) convention in the midwest. There was streaming video of various events provided by the folks at Astronomycast (my favorite podcast) One event was a talk and overview by the founder of Galaxy Zoo. It's cool because along with the video is a chat page where I can chat with others who join in and we could ask questions of the presenters. (or talk with the guy pointing the camera and holding the laptop that was streaming the video) One such guy was Chris from Galaxy Zoo. I told him of my 8yr. old daughter (MB) joining Galaxy Zoo and learning how to classify galaxies and that she had classified over 100. The next day was his talk that I mentioned above. During his presentation, explaining what Galaxy Zoo was and that there are over 130,000 volunteers world over who took the tutorial and are helping the project, He mentioned that an eight year old took the tutorial and passed but, two professional astronomers took the tutorial and failed. When he said that I was floored, I told Maggiebeth and she beamed a smile from ear to ear.
We have a season pass to the local community pool, so off we go most days, and they go roller skating fairly regularly. They are kept active.
Keep yer "non-skid puncture-proof" dry and we'll chat again.